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Tool Masteries

Tool Masteries highlight technological tools that enhance student learning. In today’s world, with growing technology, it is important to teach the students about technology because technology is a huge part of modern society. They also show how I, as a teacher, will be prepared to expose my students to as many different types of tools as possible. That way they have a vast knowledge of technology they can use both in, and out, of school.


For each tool mastery, I have included an image of the tool, a description of the tool, possible usage of the tool, Bloom’s Taxonomy with a Rationale, ISTE standards and a rationale, criteria selection, and an ALCOS standard with an explanation of why the standard connects to that tool. Being able to describe the tool and provide possible usage shows that I know how the tool works and how it can be used in a classroom. Both of these show how I have mastered the tool, because I know every aspect of the tool and am able to think of ways teachers can use it in their classrooms.  Bloom’s Taxonomy, ISTE Standards, and ALCOS show more specifically how I plan to use the tool in my classroom, and that I will follow the standards required of me. The criteria selection shows that I put time and thought into my selection of each tool. Lastly, I have also provided a reason for why I selected each specific tool, because each one of these three tools highlights something unique about how I plan to run my classroom.


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